BURNABY — Tessa May has struck a treaty with her aching shins, a peace accord of sorts that says she’ll do the hundreds of hours of physiotherapy as long as she gets to pull on her No. 21 game-day jersey with the Simon Fraser Clan volleyball team.
Tag: Tessa may
After multiple knee surgeries and transfer to SFU, Clan middle blocker Kilberg back in the saddle again
BURNABY — Perseverance in the face of adversity is best defined by that old saying which tells us to get right back on our horse.
The Power of Maddy: Clan senior Madison Power a foundational key in success of SFU volleyball
BURNABY MOUNTAIN — Ask Gina Schmidt about her first official day on the job as the then-new head coach of the Simon Fraser Clan volleyball team and you get a story filled with both comedy and karma.“I watched one practice where they weren’t really doing a lot of game play,” Schmidt remembers of a day […]