After 35 years, the drought is over. The UBC Thunderbirds celebrate a 3-0 win over Trinity Western in Sunday's U Sports national final in Hamtilon. (Photo by Rick Zazulak property of McMaster athletics)
Feature University Men's Volleyball

UBC men’s volleyball: How long is 35 years? Truly a lifetime for Thunderbirds , who top TWU 3-0 for landmark national title

When Kerry MacDonald was being interviewed for the head coaching position with the UBC Thunderbirds men’s volleyball team back in the spring of 2016, the soon-to-be successful applicant admitted he had done a little bit of research.

UBC's Ben Chow, 25, has reinvented himself both on the court and in the classroom with the Thunderbirds' volleyball team. (Richard Lam/UBC athletics)
Feature University Men's Volleyball

UBC’s Ben Chow: How degrees of difficulty helped the ‘Birds star return for a special finale

VANCOUVER — The best journeys are never scripted and always organic. They test mettle, and in the best instances, wind up revealing a level of poetic gleam only possible through the hard steps of revival and re-invention.