Oak Bay's Tiem Orser (left) is guarded by Dover Bay's Frank Linder during championship game action at the Kodiak Classic Invitational hosted 11.30.24 by Heritage Woods Secondary School in Port Moody. (Photo by Howard Tsumura exclusive property of VarsityLetters.ca 2024. All Rights Reserved)
Feature High School Boys Basketball

01.15.25: B.C. senior boys basketball rankings: Spectrum, St. Pat’s sitting on the pole! Could RCMP, Catholics, Snowball shake it up?

LANGLEY — Only one change atop the four tiers of B.C. boys high school basketball this week, as St. Patricks flip-flops with St. Thomas More at the peak of the Triple-A rankings following the final of the Rich Goutlet Chancellor final Saturday in Burnaby,.

Spectrum staved off the same scenario atop 4A, topping No. 3 Oak Bay in the final of the Jonathon Taylor Legal Beagle invite in PoCo, also on Saturday. to remain No. 1 in the province’s largest-school tier.

The Abbotsford Snowball, B.C. Catholic Championships and Surrey RCMP tourney pull in the lion’s share of B.C.’s best this week.

A complete look:





1 Spectrum Thunder (Saanich) (VI) (LW-1)

2 Dover Bay Dolphins (Nanaimo) (VI) (2)

3 Oak Bay Bays (Victoria) (VI) (3)

4 Tamanawis Wildcats (Surrey) (SF) (4)

5 Vancouver College Fighting Irish (VSS) (6) 

6 Kelowna Owls (TOK) (5) 

7 Semiahmoo Thunderbirds (Surrey) (SF) (7) 

8 Terry Fox Ravens (Port Coquitlam) (FN) (9) 

9 St. George’s Saints (Vancouver) (VSS) (8)

10 Kitsilano Blue Demons (Vancouver) (VSS) (NR)

Honourable mention — Burnaby South Rebels (FN) (HM), Centennial Centaurs (Coquitlam) (FN) (10), Holy Cross Crusaders (Surrey) (SF) (HM), Rutland Ravens (Kelowna) (TOK) (NR), West Vancouver Highlanders (VSS) (HM)


1 St. Patrick’s Celtics (Vancouver) (VSS) (LW-2) 

2 St. Thomas More Knights (Burnaby) (FN) (1) 

3 MEI Eagles (Abbotsford) (EV) (3)

4 Magee Lions (Vancouver) (VSS) (5) 

5 Rick Hansen Hurricanes (Abbotsford) (EV) (4)

6 Windsor Wolves (North Vancouver) (VSS) (8) 

7 Brookswood Bobcats (Langley) (EV) (6)

8 A.R. MacNeill Ravens (Richmond) (SF) (7)

9 L.A. Matheson Mustangs (Surrey) (SF) (9) 

10 Wellington Wildcats (Nanaimo) (10-T)

Honourable mention — Edward Milne Wolverines (Sooke) (VI) (NR), Enver Creek Cougars (Surrey) (SF) (HM), Mark Isfeld Ice (Courtenay) (VI) (HM), Pitt Meadows Marauders (FN) (HM), Richmond Colts (SF) (T-10)


1 Pacific Academy Breakers (Surrey (SF) (LW-1)

2 Summerland Rockets (TOK) (2)

3 King George Dragons (Vancouver) (VSS) (3)

4 Collingwood Cavaliers (West Vancouver) (VSS) (4) 

5 Westsyde Whundas (Kamloops) (TOK) (5) 

6 St. Michaels University School Blue Jags (Victoria) (VI) (7) 

7 Lambrick Park Lions (Victoria) (VI) (8)

8 Seycove Seylions (North Vancouver) (VSS) (HM)

9 Brentwood College (Mill Bay) (VI) (6) 

T-10 Langley Christian Lightning (EV) (T-10) 

T-10 Notre Dame Jugglers (Vancouver) (T-10)

Honourable mention — Abbotsford Christian Knights (EV) (9), Charles Hays Rainmakers (Prince Rupert) (NW) (HM), Mulgrave Titans (West Vancouver) (VSS) (HM), Southridge Storm (Surrey) (SF) (HM), West Point Grey Wolves (Vancouver) (VSS) (HM)


1 SJS Eagles (Vancouver) (VSS) (LW-1)

2 Unity Christian Flames (Chilliwack) (EV) (2)

3 Gidgalang Kuuyas Naay Breakers (Haida Gwaii) (NW) (3)

4 King David Lions (Vancouver (VSS) (4)

5 Aberdeen Hall Gryphons (Kelowna) (TOK) (5)

6 Houston Christian Wildcats (NW) (10-T) 

7 Salmo Falcons (Trail) (KOO) (7) 

8 Maple Ridge Christian Hornets (FN) (8)

9 Nanaimo Christian Trailblazers (VI) (9)

10 Ucluelet Warriors (VI) (HM)

Honourable mention — Duncan Christian Chargers (VI) (10-T), Gabriele Roy Phoenix (Surrey) (SF) (6), Immaculata Mustangs (Kelowna) (TOK) (HM), John Knox Christian Hawks (Burnaby) (HM) (10), Osoyoos Rattlers (TOK) (HM)

(All rankings courtesy B.C. School Sports)

KEY: EV — East Valley, FN — Fraser North, KOT — Kootenays, NC — North Central, NW — North West, SF — South Fraser, TOK — Thompson-Okanagan, VI — Vancouver Island, VSS — Vancouver Sea-to-Sky

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