LANGLEY — How’s that for a seeding committee that knows it’s stuff?It’s a draw that may be distinctly lacking in Cinderellas, yet there is no question that the whichever teams claims the 2020 B.C. junior boys basketball title is going to be full deserving.No., 1 seed St. Patrick’s, No. 2 seed Sir Winston Churchill, No. […]
Tag: lambrick park lions
10th Anniversary Edition! Varsity Letters presents our 2018 B.C. senior boys high school volleyball Super 15
LANGLEY — Hard to believe that so much time has gone by since we announced our first B.C. senior boys Grade 12 high school volleyball Player of the Year back in December of 2009.In case you don’t remember, he stood 6-foot-4 and was a dynamic outside hitter from Surrey’s Fleetwood Park Secondary.Nick Del Bianco turned […]
03.17.18: North Van’s Sey-Hey kids top the charts! Seycove Seyhawks, Shawnigan Lake Stags open 1-2 atop B.C. boys AA hoop rankings
LANGLEY — Since moving to its new home at the Langley Events Centre in time for March Madness 2014, the B.C. senior boys AA championships have been won just once by a public school. That was back in that first year when Victoria’s Lambrick Park Lions took the title.
STA’s Michael Kelly: Best player you’ve never heard of leads Fighting Saints to BC’s
LANGLEY — Let’s start this story off with a question which first requires a preface.